Our mission is to
Assess the effects of compounds
without the use of regulatory animal tests
Highlights Archive
Symposium on non-animal testing
July 19, 2022
On December 2nd 2022, Vivaltes and Utrecht University of Applied Sciences are co-hosting a symposium on Next Level Non-Animal Testing.
Learn about the results of our innovative projects (3R TOXFLOW and DARTpaths), and explore the possibilities of implementing our newly developed methods in your own work.
Read the details here.
New Publication
November 28, 2021
Vivaltes published a new article in Toxicology Research. Here, we present a set of 30 reporting criteria as the basis for such a guideline for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) testing in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
Read the article here.
New Publication
June 14, 2021
Vivaltes published a new article in Frontiers in Pharmacology. In collaboration with Chinese universities, Vivaltes explored the metabolomic differences between patient groups based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. This could be used in personalized medicine for coronary heart disease.
Read the full article here.
Save the Date!
February 17, 2020
Save the Date! On May 15, 2020, Vivaltes together with Schenkeveld, Ockham, Greenport, and the NH Food team are organizing the Novel Foods event that takes place in Alkmaar. The speakers are experts of novel foods, test methods. and laws and regulations. The knowledge event is for farmers, horticulturists, seed breeders, developers of new foods and other professionals including regulators who are involved in novel foods.
Health benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine
January 22, 2020
We’re very excited and proud! How does Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) work? Vivaltes and SU BioMedicine are collaborating to modernize herbal medicine, combining technology from the West with wisdom from the East. This project is supported by Provincie Noord-Holland, which is great!
Vivaltes is Sponsor of 12th Annual Global Discovery to Development Innovation Forum
May 10, 2019
The Annual Global Discovery to Development Innovation Forum (GDDIF) is the leading pharmaceutical Research & Development summit for pharma decision makers, scientific leaders, and solutions experts. Meet us there 14–15th May 2019!
Hot peppers: a new weapon in the fight against obesity?
December 8, 2018
Hot peppers contain a substance that causes you to burn more fat. In that way, one can continue to eat the same and still lose weight. In America a medicine is being made from hot peppers. Dutch researchers want to make a food supplement or even a whole new pepper variety. Vivaltes is working on the subject with a team of researchers.
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October 15, 2018
The goal of the TOX FLOW project is to set up a test method for animal test-free testing of effects of complex substances on reproduction and development (also called developmental and reproductive toxicology (DART)). Partners in this project are HU, IRAS-UU, WUR, RIKILT, Pamgene.
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Medicinal properties of peppers
October 7, 2018
Dr. Marjolein Wildwater, Director at Vivaltes presented test methods to unravel the medicinal properties of peppers in obesitas.
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NC3Rs Crack-It Phase I
January 1, 2018
Vivaltes and collaborators obtained funding from NC3Rs to develop a proof-of-concept for DARTpaths CRACK-IT challenge to map developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART).
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Identifying health-promoting effects of plant substances
October 18, 2017
Dr. Marjolein Wildwater, Director at Vivaltes, gave a Masterclass about identifying health-promoting effects of plant substances by using a simple, rapid test method.
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Vivaltes becomes partner in EFRO Evergreen
May 1, 2017
Project Evergreen is executed by 26 agricultural businesses and 6 knowledge institutes. Participants commit to sustainable soil management, green crop protection, reduction of diseases and increasing food safety, strengthening of biodiversity, reduction of energy consumption and application of technological innovations, automation and robotisation.
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