
Your opportunity to interactively explore developmental and reproductive toxicity pathways

An integrative app to support the prioritisation of chemicals. Covering the need to integrate data and close the gap between the scientific and regulatory world.

DARTpaths allows you to identify and analyse critical developmental and reproductive red flags during the research phase of projects, such as during lead exploration of compounds. Predict the outcome of regulatory studies and prioritize molecules with the best properties. We help you inform internal decision making and de-risk your projects, to increase your probability of success.

Key new features of DARTpaths are based on linked data and semantic technologies:
  • Explore toxicity from two initiating points: compound or pathway
  • Explore regulatory, in vitro, and 3R species test data in a single dashboard
  • View similar chemicals and their test data for read-across strategies
  • Interpret adverse phenotypes based on the unique DARTpaths algorithm to rank underlying pathways
  • View species conservation of the pathway-of-interest to select the optimal biological test system
  • Select significant adverse outcome effects to validate potential DART red flags

Publication in the journal of Bioinformatics

Read the peer-reviewed scientific publication in Bioinformatics, including full details on how the algorithms and database of DARTpaths are constructed: here.

DARTpaths introduction and use case

Here we discuss the development of the DARTpaths platform and walk you through a use case from the pharmaceutical industry. Thalidomide was used during the 1960’s to treat nausea during pregnancy and was found to be DART positive in humans, while animal tests at the time were DART negative. We will take you through the use case and show you what can be learned by integrating available scientific data using new alternative methods (NAMs), where Thalidomide displays very clear DART red flags.

The foundation of DARTpaths

We laid the foundation for DARTpaths with pre-DART, in which we showed the power of 3R methodologies using Dicty, C. elegans, and Zebrafish in collaboration with the The National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) and the sponsors Syngenta and Shell. Through the pre-DART project, we opened the opportunity for integrating a wealth of scientific data and cost-effective lab tests, while at the same time reducing the amount of animal testing: unique knowledge that has been integrated into DARTpaths.
Our CEO Dr. Wildwater introduces you to the power of pre-DART in the following video, followed by Dr. Rooseboom who discusses the application of non-mammalian 3R DART models into the reality of business within Shell.

Symposium ‘Next Level Non-Animal Testing’

On December 2nd 2022, Vivaltes and Utrecht University of Applied Sciences co-organized a symposium on ‘Next Level Non-Animal Testing’. Here, the results of the DARTpaths project were presented to the public (including stakeholders, regulators, and scientists). Several presentations were given and lively discussions followed.

You can watch the recording of the livestream here, as well as view photo’s and presentations.

Sneak peak of DARTpaths

Gain a birds-eye view of DARTpaths through this poster,
request a free demo where we can take you through a case relevant to your industry.

For questions about DARTpaths, contact us here: dartpaths@vivaltes.com

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