Our mission is to
Assess the effects of compounds without the use of regulatory animal tests
What we offer
Assessment of toxicity and health effects of compounds through a combination of wet lab testing and data science solutions
Identification of the mode of action by which your product affects the human body (mechanisms / Adverse Outcome Pathways)
Assisting you in selecting the most suitable -regulatory animal free- test system(s) for studies towards compound activity
Investigating your complex compounds (among others: volatile, UVCBs, plant extracts, and compound mixtures)
Assisting you with tailor-made solutions for your research approach.
In vivo compound screening and safety assessment
for predictive assessment of effects in humans
Our services
Mapping bioactive constituents in plant extracts & complex products.
Health Benefits
Oxidative stress, ER stress, locomotion, energy levels/endurance, etc.
Cognitive Endpoints
Learning & memory, neuro-degeneration, human disease models, etc.
Explore toxicity, compound & pathways, integrative DART assessment.
Omic Endpoints
Gene activity (RNA sequencing) and metabolomics profiling.
DART Endpoints
Developmental & reproductive toxicity testing, multi-generation testing.
Originally developed for developmental and reproductive toxicology (DART) testing, our wet lab portfolio now also includes: neurotoxicity, oxidative stress, fat accumulation, eating behaviour, associative learning, energy levels, and autophagy. Toxicity and beneficial health effects can be tested concurrently, with the possibility to start from a disease model.
Our data science portfolio includes evolutionary cross-species conservation mapping, phenomics, and pathway mapping. See for example our product DARTpaths.
Contact our team directly to discuss options for tailor-made solutions.
Combining ancient herbal wisdom with modern data science...
〉 Explore Herbal Health Innovations with Herb-paths
Discover a data-science platform for comprehensive exploration, visualization, and prediction of the health benefits of herbs and their constituents. Herb-paths integrates data from 14,000 plants and 160,000 compounds across four continents, providing unparalleled insights into herbal health.
〉 Uncover Powerful Herbal Synergisms
Delve into the intricate dynamics of herbal health and discover comprehensive information on the unique synergisms, bioactivity, and genetic associations of different plants and their constituents.
〉 Transform Your Approach to Drug Development
Streamline your pharmaceutical or research pipeline with Herb-paths. Our platform enhances accuracy, innovation, and cost-efficiency, empowering you to make informed decisions and drive impactful results.
〉 Ready to revolutionize your approach to herbal health?
Start exploring with Herb-paths now! For inquiries or assistance, contact our team.
A sneak peek at Herb-Paths:
The experimental model
However, C. elegans falls outside the definition of animals as described in the animal testing law, and experimental work is as such considered animal-test free.
C. elegans was first used as a model organism in 1963 and the acquired knowledge made an invaluable contribution to the fields of developmental biology and genetics. C. elegans has proven its applicability in predicting compound-induced health effects relevant to humans, evident from the increasing number of publications.

- C. elegans is a multicellular organism, it has neuronal, motor, digestive, and reproductive systems, endocrine signalling, and sensory/behavioural responses to stimuli, which are not present in cell and tissue cultures.
- The organism has been extensively studied since 1963, there is thus a large body of knowledge to make use of.
- Humans and C. elegans have a common ancestor, thus essential genes and key biological pathways of C. elegans and humans are conserved.
- Testing C. elegans is cost-effective and allows for rapid turn-around of experiments. An advantage of the use of C. elegans as a test system is that it allows for multiple concentrations and exposure times to be assessed simultaneously. Multigeneration and progeny testing can be done in weeks rather than years due to its rapid lifecycle.
- Multiple types of toxicity ranking screens have demonstrated a high correlation of phenotypic endpoints in C. elegans to rat LD50s, with C. elegans data and mouse data predicting toxicity ranking in rat equally well.
Our Core Purpose
To reduce the costs and amount of animal testing by the introduction of C. elegans as a Tier-1 phase of testing in experimental models with significant predictive power for effects in humans.
To utilise the power of Herb-Paths in selecting the most promising compounds for your product development pipeline. Our strategy allows us to pre-screen compounds to identify health activities, to identify synergism between compounds, and to discover how compounds influence a body.
Vivaltes’ contribution is to assist with the selection of the most promising compounds to fill your product development pipelines. In addition, knowledge on how compounds cause their effects helps to identify (new) compound health activities, can improve compound/drug combinations, serves as supportive proof for regulatory acceptance.
To understand how your compounds cause their effects in order to help improve compound/drug design procedure. Extracting the relevant information from the wealth of knowledge within scientific literature using data science (DARTpaths).
Using data science, Vivaltes can now go beyond exploratory lab testing. We are able to extract (e.g. mammalian) phenotypes from scientific literature and internal reports, and identity the involved mechanism/mode of action (like Adverse Outcome Pathways). Accordingly, we can predict expected phenotypes for new test methods, such as the in vivo test organisms C. elegans. Our data science pipeline allows us to perform more focused confirmatory lab testing.
We strongly value authenticity and open communication.
“Our passion is to deliver the best service and improve product development pipelines.”
Collaborative Projects
3′sialyllactose and 6′sialyllactose enhance performance in endurance-type exercise through metabolic adaptation. Food Science & Nutrition (2023)
DARTpaths, an in silico platform to investigate molecular mechanisms of compounds. Bioinformatics (2022)
Herb-paths, a network and statistical model to explore health-beneficial effects of herbs and herbal constituents. BioRXiv (2022)
C. elegans as a test system to study relevant compounds that contribute to the specific health-related effects of different cannabis varieties. Cannabis Research (2022)
Towards a Reporting Guideline for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Testing in C. elegans and Other Nematodes. Toxicology Research (2021)
Serum Metabolomic Analysis of Coronary Heart Disease Patients with Stable Angina Pectoris Subtyped by Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnostics Reveals Biomarkers Relevant to Personalized Treatments. Frontiers in Pharmacology (2021)
About Us
Vivaltes was founded by Dr. Marjolein Wildwater and Dr. Gerrit Keizer in 2016 as a result of a NC3R-funded project. Their goal was to reduce animal research when carrying out toxicological and medicinal studies by offering C. elegans wet lab testing. Since then, Vivaltes has grown into a successful company with an enthusiastic team who share their vision of reducing animal testing, and with several long-term (inter)national customers.Expanding beyond wet lab testing, Vivaltes has won funding for several ambitious projects, which has helped develop their data science solutions.
With strong roots in the scientific community, Vivaltes closely collaborates with academic institutions (such as University of Applied Sciences Utrecht and Utrecht University), which helps them to stay on top of scientific advances.
Our Story
When I was 8 years old, I remember watching a documentary on Jane Goodall and being inspired to learn more about the rainforest and, to a broader extent, life. Why are we born with two hands? How do plants make food? What are bones made of? As a child I often performed my own experiments. Whether it was collecting water from puddles to culture hydras or studying the growth conditions of saltwater mussels, I was constantly trying to gain a better understanding of the world around me.
Fuelled by this passion, I pursued a path of scientific rigour, knowing from an early age that I wanted to be a biologist. Over the years, my dedication bore fruit, leading to the publication of scientific papers in esteemed journals such as Cell and Nature. Despite encountering numerous challenges along the way, I remained steadfast in my pursuit of a dream – a trait instilled in me from childhood.
“How can I add something good to the world?” This question that I ask myself every morning is the same one that inspired me to found Vivaltes in 2016. Rooted in the principles of the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement) and committed to animal-free testing, Vivaltes was born out of a desire to make a positive impact on both the scientific community and society as a whole. Since its inception, Vivaltes has evolved and expanded its scope, earning funding for ambitious projects and pioneering the integration of data science solutions.
Our proprietary Herb-paths platform stands as a testament to our commitment to innovation and excellence, specifically in the realm of nutraceutical research and drug development. Harnessing the power of machine learning we have spent 3 years developing a platform that allows users to uncover, explore, predict, and visualise the innumerable health benefits and synergies of herbs and herbal extracts. With a virtual treasure trove of data, containing 14000 plants and 160000 compounds, we combine ancient herbal wisdom with contemporary data-science and laboratory techniques.
There’s nothing I enjoy more than empowering other people. The clients we work with are passionate about their product and I am passionate about assisting them. At Vivaltes we offer more than just a service; We offer our clients scientific partnerships and open dialogue. This collaborative approach is at the core of Vivaltes’ ethos. I apply the same passion I have for biology to assisting clients in realising their goals.
I take pride in the journey that has led us to where we are today, and I am excited about the future possibilities that lie ahead. As we continue to push the boundaries of scientific exploration and innovation, I invite you to join us on this journey.
– Dr. Marjolein Wildwater (Founder, CEO)
Our Team
Dr. Marjolein Wildwater
Founder, CEO
“‘How can I add something good to the world?’ This question that I ask myself every morning is the same one that inspired me to found Vivaltes…”
Dr. Gerrit Keizer
Founder, Director Strategy and Business Development
“Help people, respect animals, accelerate drug discovery, reduce costs, collaborate”. Together, we can revolutionize the future of ethical drug development. Are you ready to join the quest? Vivaltes welcomes you with open arms!”
Robert du Mosch
Sales and Marketing Consultant
“A satisfied customer is the best marketing we can get.”
Dr. Sandra Langeveld
Project Manager
“As office manager and trained biologist I like to keep in touch with science while taking care behind the scenes on a diversity of topics like finances, ordering, human resources and permits.”
Dr. Eefje Poppelaars
Lead Data Scientist
“I love to develop and manage data science and bioinformatics projects, while also continuously learning new skills.”
Dr. Jason Kroll
Scientific Project Leader
“I enjoy using my expertise in different biological systems and areas to develop and direct the research that will answer the unique questions that come to us. There is always something new and exciting.”
Dr. Vincent Portegijs
Scientific Project Leader
“Taking my 18+ year experience in C. elegans research into my role as a scientific project lead, I’m excited to help our past, current and future clients prove and improve the effects of their products.”
Dr. Mo Arkani
Senior Data Scientist
“Driven by a passion for biomedical discovery and data science, I am dedicated to advancing animal-free testing and pioneering new solutions in health and safety, transforming data into actionable insights for a better future.”
Jesús G. Arellano Spadaro
“Consider me the mitochondria of our team, infusing every project with my vibrant energy and driving our collective success with relentless determination.”
Liam Kirwan
Research Technician
“As a research technician, I take immense pride and joy in developing and implementing a range of experimental assays. In my role as the company’s social media and website manager, I’m continuously striving to broadcast Vivaltes’ achievements and vision to a global audience.”
Luuk Huisman
Research Technician
“To use my skills as a scientist and be able to help our customers by proving the effectiveness of their products gives me great pleasure.”
Max Beukelman
Research Technician
“At Vivaltes, curiosity is the fuel that propels our research forward. As a member of the team, I find immense joy in nurturing and exploring my boundless curiosity.”
Rashad Tangali
Junior Data Scientist
“I enjoy developing data science and bioinformatics pipelines and integrating deep learning techniques to aid our mission, while also learning new skills.”
Dr. ir. M.T.O. (Chiel) Jonker
Scientific Advisor
Scientific Advisor at Vivaltes. Assistent professor at the University Utrecht, Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS). Expert in chemical exposure assessment in toxicology.Dr. Cees J. Beukelman
Scientific Advisor
Scientific Advisor at Vivaltes. Expert in biochemistry and drug development.
Mark de Klerk
Business Development Advisor
Business Development Advisor at Vivaltes. Worked over 25 years at Nike as Senior Director of Sports Marketing (East/Central Europe & EMEA). Expert in consumer marketing and business development.
Publication in Food Science & Nutrition

This article explores the health effects of 3′sialyllactose (3′SL) and 6′sialyllactose (6′SL), two acidic oligosaccharides present in human milk.
This study demonstrates the immense, yet unexplored, power of the C. elegans model in unraveling the complex molecular signaling, inter-tissue communication, and organism/tissue-level phenotypes of endurance-type exercise and metabolic adaptation processes.
Read the article here.
Follow us on Instagram
February 3, 2023Vivaltes has opened an Instagram account, where we will be sharing weekly fun facts about science!
Find us on Instagram here.
New project funded

January 26, 2023
Our project ‘Natural Intelligence (NI) in Health’ was funded by the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRO) for West Netherlands.
In collaboration with five other companies and one university, this projects aims to develop unique scientifically-supported applications of natural substances for health.
Read the press release here.
Publication in Bioinformatics

December 23, 2022
In this article, our in silico platform DARTpaths is explained in detail.
DARTpaths can be used to investigate molecular mechanisms of compounds as well as suggest NAM follow-up tests of those mechanisms. It does this by integrating cross-species phenotypic endpoints.
Read the article here.
Next Level Non-Animal Testing Symposium
December 16, 2022The symposium on ‘Next level non-animal testing’ co-organized by Vivaltes and Utrecht University of Applied Sciences on December 2nd 2022 was a great success!
Watch the recording of the livestream and see the pictures and presentations here.
Publication in Cannabis Research

In this article, C. elegans is used as a test system to investigate health effects of different cannabis varieties. This research highlights entourage effects of cannabis that cannot be explained by THC or CBD.
Read the article here.
Occasionally we have internship and technician positions available. If you are interested, please e-mail us your motivation and CV for an open application.
How may we assist you?

Vivaltes B.V.
We are situated centrally in the Netherlands in Europe’s most competitive region. Our headquarters is located near the Uithof in Utrecht, which encompasses the Utrecht Science Park, the campus area of Utrecht University, the applied university Hogeschool Utrecht and the academic hospital University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU). On this campus education, research, entrepreneurship, and healthcare all come together.KVK Address
The Netherlands
Headquarters Vivaltes
Regulierenring 9,
3981 LA Bunnik,
The Netherlands
Address iLabs
Heidelberglaan 7,
3584 CS Utrecht,
The Netherlands